What to say in your baking business marketing

The trick to any good marketing is to get the messaging right, so your ideal clients pay attention. And by calling out those ideal clients, you’ll start to see more and more people engaging with your content.

The messaging is what is going to hook the reader and allow them to start creating a relationship and trust factor with you, which may eventually lead to a sale.

But how do we go about making messaging for our different audiences? I have a quiz to help you out!

Enjoy this mini quiz below, to help you target your ideal customers, with your marketing messaging.

You want to make sure you have thought about:

  • WHO you are talking to

  • WHAT they need help with

  • HOW you can help them

  • WHY they should work with you

  • WHERE to contact you

This information should always be included in each of your advertisements, may it be paid or free.

You can use your answers to this mini quiz in your messaging, to generate more sales as you target your ideal clients better.

Answer the questions below and plug them into the ad copy formula you will find, right after the quiz.

Grab and pen and start writing!

  1. Who are you selling to?

  2. Who are you NOT selling to?

  3. What is the main "pain point" or "problem" that you are solving for your ideal customer?

  4. What is your positioning in the community (something special you offer that makes your biz unique)?

  5. HOW will you deliver your specialty, and any other strengths, to your customer?

  6. WHAT can you add to your offer to make your prices a no-brainer? (rather than lower prices)

  7. WHAT action do you want them to take, so you can sell to them?

I will answer these questions hypothetically below, and put together simple marketing ad copy, so you know how to use these questions and answers in your marketing.

  1. Who are you selling to? Busy people who are willing to pay for quality products.

  2. Who are you NOT selling to? Wal-Mart minded shoppers looking for deals.

  3. What is the main "pain point" or "problem" that you are solving for your ideal customer? Take the stress out of events so they can relax and show off their cakes to their friends.

  4. What is your positioning in the community (something special you offer that makes your biz unique)? Organic ingredients, no shortening or oil used, and 2 fine art degrees.

  5. HOW will you deliver your specialty, and any other strengths, to your customer? Impeccable customer service, including personalized styling sessions and delivery included.

  6. WHAT can you add to your offer to make your prices a no-brainer? (rather than lower prices) I chose to add delivery included and the styling sessions, which are worked into the overall base price of the order.

  7. WHAT action do you want them to take, so you can sell to them? Message me on Facebook

Now that you have jotted down your own answers to the mini quiz, let’s plug them into the formula below.

Example of marketing ad formula for a baking business:

(Who are you talking to and what is their problem?)
(What will the customer's life look like after they work with you?)
(How can you uniquely solve their problem with your special product or service?)
(Easiest way to contact you to place an order OR another call to action)
GOOD baking biz ad!

My example ad copy using the answers above and plugged into the formula:
"Are you feeling stressed about getting the sweets prepared for your next event, and would rather leave the task to a professional baker? Here at The Purple Lotus Bakery, we pride ourselves on using the best organic ingredients, without any added oils or shortenings. Impress your guests with high quality and gorgeous sweets, while you relax and enjoy the party. During your complimentary styling session, we will discuss your vision and our trained artist will sketch your design out, so it's absolutely perfect. Enjoy the convenience of complimentary delivery, on us! Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/iksfsajfba/ to begin the quoting process. Dates are filling up for January, so don't hesitate to claim your spot on our calendar!"

Take a moment and work up a few options you could use for ad copy, keeping in mind the tips above.

Save them somewhere convenient, like a note on your phone or computer desktop.

Simply copy/paste your messaging with an awesome photo of your recent work, and share away on your social platforms, or even print fliers if that’s your style!

Making ads can be fun! No need to stress too much about it. Ads can be short or long, but ALWAYS make sure your contact info is included!

Shorter ads tend to do better, unless you are trying to connect with your audience or share a special story.


Melissa’s Favorite Things