200+ best baking supplies on the market - downloadable Master Baking Supply List

Find out what baking supplies you may need for your baking business.

Which brands are best?

What do you need to get started?

How can you avoid cringing when you hit “add to cart”?

over 200 tried and true item recommendations for bakers who specialize in cakes, cookies, cupcakes and other bakes.

The thought of buying bakery supplies online sounds like it cold be fun… until it’s 30 minutes in and you feel like you are about to throw a bunch of money into the wind and hope it comes back as a tool that won’t break in 5 minutes.

This list may be helpful for you if:

  1. you are new to baking

  2. you are moving from home to storefront

  3. you want to expand into niche techniques, like airbrushing

  4. you are not the type of person that likes to waste money

Over the last 16 years of bakery industry experience, I have compiled over 200 quality item recommendations to share with you today.

Categories Inside the Master Baking Supply List

  • Buttercream Decorating Tools

  • Fondant Decorating Tools

  • Baking Pans

  • Baking Tools

  • Storage

  • Packaging

  • Bakery Furniture (like racks and tables)

  • Advanced Tools

  • Specific Food Decorating Items

  • Vendor Event/Farmer Market Items

    Note: the categories are not separated into types of things to decorate (like cupcakes and cookies), because a baker will need a few things from each of the categories above, depending on their products.

    No item is repeated more than once on the list, to make sure it is as streamlined as possible.

    I would suggest copying and pasting the items you are interested in, onto another Google Doc or Word Document, to compile your own personal list for ordering or reference!

If you don’t want to download the list, you can view the list LIVE as a Google Doc RIGHT HERE. This will always be the most current version shared publicly.

Q: But Melissa, can’t I just buy one of those big “beginner packs” from Amazon and call it good?

Yes, if you want to waste your money.

I would caution you against buying those 100 piece beginner packs off Amazon, even though they may seem enticing.

The sellers pack those kits with subpar products and items you will literally never use, making sure they can profit off of your “bulk buy” purchase.

So the big packs sound like a good idea, but overall you are wasting more money than if you just bought things separately that are actually good quality.

I put together a nutshell list below that will get you pretty far in your business, before you need to start adding things on, like an airbrush or photobooth.

Please note here that I am recommending products that will essentially last a lifetime, not the cheapie plastic stuff.

Commercial brands are where you need to look if you want quality bakery gear that performs well and allows you to create better looking and tasting products.

Q: Do you think I should buy everything off this list?

That’s a big, fat NO!

Conserve your funds and only buy what products that you already have plans to use or need to replace.

Basic Baking and Decorating Tools

—> To create simple buttercream iced cakes, decorated cookies or cupcakes, you are going to need:

My goal with this article and list was to make shopping for bakery supplies easier and more enjoyable.

Did I accomplish my goal?

Come join me in my free Bakery Business School Facebook Group, and let me know!


Melissa’s Favorite Things

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