Are You Ready to Start a Baking Business? - Take the QUIZ!

How do you know when to start a baking business?

There is a quiz for that :)

There are a few very common signs you can look for, that will be indicators that a baking business could be a wonderful and profitable opportunity for you.

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Take the short quiz below, and find out if a bakery business is in your near future!

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1. You have had at least 2-3 people say the phrase, “You know… you could SELL this stuff!” after they eat some of your baked goods. You also hear people raving about what you have made, once they have tried it. This is social proof that selling is a logical next step.


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2. When you walk into the kitchen to start a project or recipe, it’s comfortable. You know what you are doing, what you will need and how long it will probably take. It is no longer a mystery situation when you are in baking mode.


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3. You have already invested in at least a few pieces of professional equipment. Maybe it’s a set of amazing bowls and spatulas, a great mixer or maybe a toy, like an airbrush. Within these purchases, you are creating a little dream or story, and that usually means starting a business is around the corner. That should tell you that you are MENTALLY ready to take on some new risks and make some new goals.


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4. You have people TRYING to pay or tip you for your items. Even though you may not be selling them yet, you have friends slipping you a $20 after the party, or your aunt tried to hand you a check after those amazing cupcakes you brought to your niece’s party. These people can SEE your worth, your work and your passion, and are willing to pay for it.


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5. You see an opportunity to jump into business. This will look different for everyone. Maybe your local bakery closed down, or you notice a local wedding venue is looking for a dessert maker. Or maybe you see a market gap in your area, and think you can fill it. You will notice when a hobby becomes a profession because the opportunities arise and you feel like TAKING them.


OKAY! So you took the quiz… now what?!

If you scored at YES at least 3 out of 5 on the quiz above, it is my professional bakery mentor opinion that starting a business would benefit you! If you scored a 5 out of 5, I am surprised you haven’t already started putting something together.

You may not know where to start, and that is definitely common. I completely understand that, and I can assist you in a few ways.

It is my job to help you move forward, and here are my recommendations if you would like to take the next step today.


Melissa’s Favorite Things

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